FINCA Impact Finance

FINCA Impact Finance (FIF) is a global Micro-finance Bank, operating in 20 countries whose global mandate is to “alleviate poverty through lasting solutions that help people build assets, create jobs and raise their standard of living”.

April 22, 2018GLU continues to add value to FINCA today

Future Proofing the Tech Stack

In order to execute on and expand their fulfilment of this mandate in a sustainable and resilient manner, FINCA has decided to leverage the opportunities provided through digital technologies and ways of working to fundamentally transform the way FINCA and its subsidiaries deliver this mandate. FINCA is moving from “a high-touch, high-cost traditional microfinance delivery model to a hybrid SRI model that maintains responsible customer relationships while enhancing service and reach through technology”.

In support of this strategy, FIF is building a standard technology stack as far as possible. In addition to their Business System providers, they required an independent integration solution that would:
a) radically cut the time and cost of integrating current and future Business Systems;
b) assist FIF Business System providers in publishing Standard FIF APIs to allow for expansion of standard solutions across the region without substantive rework; and
c) enable FIF Subsidiaries to move away from being totally reliant on their Business System providers for integration projects. Self-sufficiency was Key.

No Code Enterprise Integration

GLU.Ware is based on the principle of configuration over code – it is a No Code Enterprise Integration Platform. Bespoke code is expensive to build and even more so to maintain. GLU.Ware eliminates the need for developers to be involved in integration projects. Rather, through a powerful, feature-rich, cloud hosted GLU.ConsoleTM, FIF Shared Services and in-country Analysts are able to configure the required integrations directly from the Detailed Design. The GLU.Console also allows FIF Analysts to ensure compliance with global standards and solutions. The output from the configuration work on the GLU.Console is a downloadable GLU.EngineTM component. This component is downloaded into the FINCA network where it is deployed behind their firewall and within their Security and DevOps controls. This architecture facilitates an explicit segregation of functional duties between the GLU.Console configuration domain and the FIF Subsidiary execution domain. This has resonated well with the FINCA Security and Risk Management teams.

GLU.Ware has been architected from the onset to be a fundamental enabler of the Business Agility requirements that FINCA was seeking. FINCA required a solution that would:
a) radically cut the implementation time of new digital products, automated operational process and of implementing changes to existing integrations, and
b) enable FINCA to become rapidly self-sufficient with low overhead or impact on existing teams and structures.

GLU.Ware, its commercial structure, and the Integration Specialist team from GLU proved to be the perfect fit for FIF requirements.

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